Phoenix lake Dortmund
Construction of a new building complex containing business premises and residential spaces with 2 basement stories including an underground parking garage at the new Phoenix lake in Dortmund.
Particularities in structure and procedure:
The new building complex contains three futuristic structures above ground level and 2 combinig basement stories with business premises and parking spaces. The first and second stories are used for residential purpose.
Special features for structural analysis:
The particular static challenge of this building was the implementation of the representative architecture. Large-scale glass fronts, shifting façades in each storey, one-sided two-storey earth pressure due to the slope and two basement floors with elaborate design details could only be statically modeled by 3-D building models. Particular demand was the need of a water-impermeable basement. The high groundwater level had to be considered almost up to ground level. As a result a complex foundation had to be planned. In addition, special care had to be taken on the ceiling deformation of the point-based ceiling system due to the large ceiling span, the constantly offset facade supports and due to the large glass surfaces. Therefore, in the implementation planning, appropriate built-in parts had to be designed and developed, which are suitable for all manufacturers. In addition, the formation of the movement joints was complicated. The high water pressure and the different loads on the individual components sometimes required very elaborate detail solutions.
Special building physics challenges:
The particular building physical challenge lay in the mixed use (commercial and residential use) and with the desired KfW 55 energy efficiency, both for non-residential and living areas and on the other hand the implementation of the complex architecture.